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Update on a Potential WWE Diva, Mr. Kennedy News and More

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Update on a Potential WWE Diva, Mr. Kennedy News and More Empty Update on a Potential WWE Diva, Mr. Kennedy News and More

Post  Admin Sat May 30, 2009 12:46 pm

Two WWE stars celebrated their birthdays yesterday. The Brian Kendrick turned 30 whereas Hornswoggle turned 23.

- In a minor update on independent women’s wrestler Serena Deeb, she still has yet to sign a developmental contract with World Wrestling Entertainment, according to The Sun. She was offered a deal after making a cameo appearance on last week’s episode of ECW on Sci Fi.

- Former WWE Superstar Mr. Kennedy is today’s WWE Mobile Ringtone of the Day on In a separate Kennedy note, his profiles on both and the social networking site were immediately deleted following the announcement of his release from the company tonight.

- The Sun reports that WWE developmental wrestler Kaval (a.k.a. Low Ki) is still rehabbing his injured knee following surgery earlier this year and there is still no word yet on when he will be able to return to the ring.

Florida Championship Wrestling explained his absence by airing a backstage segment of the aftermath where Kaval was attacked prior to his scheduled match against FCW Heavyweight Champion Eric Escobar


Posts : 101
Join date : 2009-05-26

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